Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Beautiful Homeschooling

Disclaimer: This post may be triggering for some who battle with insecurity. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

I named this post beautiful homeschooling because it comes from a place of growth. Growing up, I was teased because of the way I look. I was always told my hair is too short and nappy. My nose was too big for my face, or ugly looking. The beauty of homeschooling is that the children do not know what insecurity is. I say this because the world teaches us that we have to meet what society deems as beauty. In public school, there is a lot of competition for who looks the best, who speaks the best, etc. My daughters can see the beauty of me as their teacher. My daughters can see their father tell me how beautiful I am, and how beautiful they are. They can see how their hair resembles a blooming plant or a tree. They can see how their hair gives praise to Yah. They are an example of how a child can grow up and not deal with insecurity, and pressure when they become teenagers. I show them the beauty of dressing modestly. To be beautiful you don't have to show your body the way society desires women and young girls to do. They KNOW they are beautiful and no one can tell them differently because they are being raised to know and believe this. My sister who is reading this, I want you to know that you are beautiful. Your natural hair is beautiful. Yes, we all have flaws, but our flaws can be fixed with discipline, faith, diet and exercise(if you are overweight), and toning up. Now let's not deceive ourselves, because yes you can have beauty on the outside but be ugly on the inside. Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears Yahuah shall be praised. We must understand that beauty is a heart (mindset) condition. Ladies let us as mothers protect our children from insecurities. Let us set the standard for what real beauty is because truly it's a heart condition. I hope I have provoked some thought. Peace๐ŸŒน***P.S. I am not fat-shaming, skinny shaming, or any type of shaming for that matter. I'm stating my growth and how we can protect our children from the problems we faced growing up. At times I still battle with insecurities, especially since I lost the weight. It's a daily challenge but we can grow together. We can complete each other instead of competing with each other. Those two little girls in the photo know nothing about insecurity. They complete each other as friends and/or sisters***.

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