Thursday, May 26, 2022

How to begin homeschooling

Hey Sisters, so you may be wondering where do I begin homeschooling?  Is it legal? What about curriculum? But how do I pull my child out of public school? These are all valid questions and I hope I can answer them for you. I started teaching when my oldest daughter was one year old. Some may say that's too young, but children are sponges at that age and they catch on easily. I started with a crayon and a piece of paper. She would draw and watch preschool prep company. I would read to her and teach her the alphabet. Then I introduced writing with a pencil and had her trace lines. During this time though I did a lot of research on curriculum. But when she got of school age I signed up with HSLDA. These are home school assistance lawyers. They help if you have concerns with homeschooling in your state. I highly recommend them because they fight on your behalf should a situation come up. The first curriculum I chose for her was Abeka. The pros of abeka are that it is a boxed curriculum and all subjects are there. It came with English books and literature. There is also a teacher's manual and tests are included. The cons are the price and the imagery. It was very expensive and I didn't see much of "us" in there. Imagery is very important to me because it will shape the mind of the child whether good or bad. So over the years, I learned you can homeschool for free or for a very low price. You can use free downloads for math curriculum, and use real-life books for reading comprehension. With a little research, it can be accomplished. Homeschooling is legal in every state. Some states are harder than others like my state NYC (the belly of the beast lol). The state regulations here are over the top, but if you can homeschool in Babylon (I mean NYC๐Ÿ˜), you can homeschool anywhere ๐Ÿ˜‰. Just follow the rules and mind your business and they won't bother you. Tomorrow I will go into more detail on how to start homeschooling. I hope I was able to start the conversation and provoke thought today. Blessings ๐ŸŒน


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and yes homeschooling should be an option for parents that can. I too homeschool my two children and I am an educator.

InYah said...

That's wonderful ๐ŸŒนI am so happy to hear this. It's a sacrifice but your family will benefit from it. Thank you for your comment and support ๐ŸŒน