Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Weight Loss Wednesday :)


This is the beginning of my weight loss journey. This was tough, and to be quite honest this will be a lifestyle journey. If I could do it, so can you sister.💕. Here’s my story. Disclaimer: This speaks about fibroids passing and infertility. Feel free to proceed at your own risk. This is not medical advice, I'm sharing what worked for me. 

Good morning. About two years ago, I started my weight loss journey with my husband when he purchased the book “Prevent and Reverse ALL Disease 100% Naturally.” Fighting for my health has been a long and stressful journey. FOOD ADDICTION IS REAL, and it is something that I have battled with and will continue to for the rest of my life.

When I started my health journey around the end of Dec 2018, I weighed 253 pounds, although I believe I was more than that. To provide some background history, I had many health issues, including fibroids, various colds, infertility, etc. I never went to the doctor to get diagnosed with fibroids, but I knew that I had them because I passed them out due to a change in my diet. (Beet kvass). Then I started the G-BOMBS after watching a video from Brother Nathaniel Jordan. While watching the video series on The POWER of the G-BOMBS, I would get angry, and my food addiction would start speaking to justify that the foods I loved to eat are not that bad. When I first started making the recipes in the book, I was not too fond of the taste, especially mushrooms.

If it were not for my husband staying with me, I would have given up. But I kept eating healthfully and watching the videos, and now, as of today, I am 164 pounds! This is truly a lifestyle change, and by YAH’s mercy and grace, I will never go back to being obese and sick! ALSO, MY INFERTILITY WAS CURED, AND WE HAD A BABY 6 MONTHS AGO!!! (Btw, this baby is about to be two in August) Thank you for everything you put forth because it can change someone’s life if they allow it to.

The G-BOMBS is a disciplined way of eating, but it has excellent benefits. All praise to YAH because I believe YAH is preparing His people to be healthy these last days. Our people suffer so much from illness due to food addiction. We as a people need to hear a sharp rebuke. Brother Nathaniel gives this rebuke sharply. Yes, it hurts, but it is beneficial.

Above all, I thank our Heavenly Father for His Help in this journey, as it has taken much fasting and a lot of prayers.

May the Most-High bless you and your family.

This is an old post and I am still on my journey and reached 157 pounds. Again this is a journey and the weight goes up and down but never back to where I started. 

Here is the original post:

****I do not participate in this ministry or follow any doctrine that he may teach on his website. He’s a brother who promotes weight loss and it has helped me :)****


Anonymous said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. This is an AMAZING story & a huge shoutout to you for staying committed on your journey. So proud of you sis. You look so beautiful 🌹 - Dawn

InYah said...

Thank you so much sis for your support and your kind words. This truly means a lot to me. Weightloss is a scary thing but it's definitely needed🌹

fabi said...

Congratulations dear you look amazing!!

InYah said...

Thank you Fabi :) This means a lot, and thank you for your continued support.:)

Anonymous said...

That’s amazing InYah! I’m still losing slowly but I’m not fully committed. Hopefully I get there.

InYah said...

Thank You🌹You can do it.At times I wasn't fully committed, but with patience, I was able to do it😉

Theresa said...

So freakin proud of your accomplishments Sis! I will look this information up cause I believe it can work for anyone who applies it to their lives. Food Addiction is HORRIBLE indeed!

InYah said...

Thank you so much, sis. It was not easy but we got it done and it's being maintained. Years ago you told me to live a fasted lifestyle. Im thankful for you sis🌹

Anonymous said...

Good job on your weight loss sis

InYah said...

Thank you so much🌹This was a huge challenge and I still struggle, but I push through it🌹Thank you for your support.