It's 2022 and I am watching the children complete their morning work. I sit here and think back to the years of sacrifice and dedication it took to get us here. Some may say, why homeschool? Isn't it easier to just send them to public school? What about socialization? How will they get into college? These are the various questions that I have heard over the years. I also was concerned about that. What I've come to realize is that children socialize every day when they go to museums, the playground, and other various locations. With homeschooling, you can take control of who your child socializes with, what your child is learning, where they are learning, why your child is learning a said subject, when they are learning it, and lastly how they are learning. The 5 W's of homeschooling π. Is homeschooling easy? No, it's not, however with the right support and putting Yah first,(more on that later) then ALL things will work out. There are days when you may want to give up, cry in a corner somewhere or just yell. You can do TWO of the three. Just do not give up because you and your family will benefit from the sacrifice that BOTH Daddy and Mommy made(more on that later). I hope I provoked some thought and know that it is possible to do. With faith, love, compassion, and support. Peace Ladies. Have a great day❤πΉ
I love thissss!!!!
Great post!
Thanks sis :) I’m still trying to figure out how to comment lol
Thank You Anonymous:)
I think home schooling is the best because the kids get that one on one attention that they can't get in school because in public school it's one teacher to 28 kids and that's how kids slip through the cracks
Love this In Yah! ♥️ Hanifah
Thank you for your support. Still trying to figure this thing out lol
Thank You Anonymous for your support.
Home Schooling can be a challenge because though I agree that homeschool is better for a child it does take a level of commitment from the guardians at home. Many can not do it cause it honestly take discipline just like with any other thing in life. Guardians have to be disciplined so that children begin to follow their example. One of the biggest push back is the social aspect and the peer to peer learning of behaviors in groups ect. However in 2022 there are many homeschool Pod groups that can help with that if a guardians decided to home school.
I agree with guidance and if a person believes in the creator anything is possible.
Thank you Lady Hale for your feedback. You are right. There has to be a complete mindset change. In order for that to happen, one must be disciplined which takes sacrifice. Thank you for your support. Please share if you feel lead too. :)
I wish more people did what was necessary to homeschool.
This is what this blog is for. Some may be scared, or feel they may not have the knowledge to do so. I want to share and encourage people that it can be done with faith and discipline. Thank you for your comment and support. :)
Thank you for the support❤
Love this !!!
Thank you πΉ thank you for reading π
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