Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Why i started my Homeschooling blog

Hey Ladies. Today, I wanted to discuss the reason why I started my blog. I wanted to encourage the mama who wants to homeschool but is afraid to because of finances, judgments or does not have the support. As stated in an earlier post, I enjoy writing because it's very therapeutic. So I thought why not combine my love for writing with teaching to help and encourage someone else. Over the years I have learned a lot, and also made lots of mistakes but this is what life is about. Proverbs 24:16a says For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again. With homeschooling, I'm able to see what works and what doesn't. There has been a rise in homeschooling and there maybe someone out there who needs help. They may feel they are not smart enough. I had those thoughts as well. One thing I've learned not to do is compare myself to other homeschoolers. When you do, you will become insecure. Your routine will be different from mine and that's okay. Homeschooling is a life journey and it should be enjoyed. If you feel that you don't have enough money, you can do things to save money for the household( more on that later). With that being said, a lot of things I learned on my journey was hard at times. So this blog is to help you so you can avoid the mistakes in education that I have done. Also at times while homeschooling, tough conversations will come up. Maybe you've had one of those moments and don't know how to talk about the tough topics. This one is short today but I look forward to having conversations. Please feel free to leave any questions that you may have, and thank you all for your support๐ŸŒน


Anonymous said...

Comparison is the thief of joy. Embrace your particular journey and the specific needs it requires.

InYah said...

Agreed, thank you for your comment :)