Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The rose that grew from homeschooling

Homeschooling is a difficult, life-changing experience. Everyone involved in your homeschooling will go through the experience of growth. It's possible to face growing pains as a teacher. The more I grow in my studies, the more painful it becomes. I'm a firm believer in support of this journey. Without the proper support, the growth process can be stunted. I have faced many changes so far and I know more is to come. Homeschooling is a teaching experience not only for the students but the parents as well. As a teacher, I experience all kinds of emotions. At times, we home-school teachers don't receive as much respect or support because alot of people think we are weird. I want to take control of their education. In the process though, im learning more about who I am, and what I want to become. Im learning how to balance the things that are out of order. Im learning about self-love and being able to express my creativity. I'll be honest, the road has not been easy. I've had setbacks, doubts, curriculum changes and so much more. But by the grace of the Most High, my children are smart, creative, and happy despite my shortcomings. I have a long way to go but I'm getting there. The more I grow, the more the children will shine and grow too. When I felt I couldn't homeschool, it was my husband who said I could do it. When I doubted my education status, it was my husband who said that Yah will give me the wisdom to continue. This is why your tribe is important. I will forever be on this journey, and through the itchy ( uncomfortable) parts, something will grow from this where everyone around me will be blessed. Take a moment to think of your journey in life. Our journeys are different, but we have a common goal, which is growth. I hope you all have a great day, and I hope I have provoked thought today. ๐ŸŒน

Long live the rose that grew from homeschooling.....


R' said...

Keep striving. All the parts matter.

InYah said...

It really does ๐ŸŒน