Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Crime while homeschooling

Good day everyone. I wanted to talk about protecting our children while homeschooling. There are times when we go out to the park or on field trips. Being that we live in the belly of the beast (NYC) I have to be extra cautious while my husband is at work. The crime has picked up here, however, I stay local with the children. We go out very early in the morning while the day is cool and we are back inside before ten. Whatever playtime they need it gets done early because I don't have time for the nonsense out here. I have to be wise of my surroundings because I have to keep an eye on three little ones. My older two know to beware of their surroundings to a degree. If I want to go on field trips, I wait until the weekend and if my husband is off then we attempt to go out. For me, it's safer to have him present. I have boycotted the trains and will never take one again due to the rise in crime. So, we take the bus or walk. Being in this concrete jungle has been quite the experience for me, so while I'm still here I want to make the children comfortable. If they feel something is off they stay by me. Children, in my opinion, can tell when something is wrong. Living here takes strategy and awareness. We know where to go and who people are. I try to do things to make sure they are comfortable and aware, but not fearful of their surroundings. These are just some of the things we do for safety in our homeschooling. Well, I hope you all have a great day and I hope I have provoked thought. ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ˜Ž

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