Monday, August 1, 2022

How to Homeschool Multiple Children (without freaking out)

Good day. I hope you all had a great weekend so far. Today I want to talk about homeschooling, multiple children. I've had this question for years and I've followed others' suggestions. However, it left me feeling drained. So I came up with a strategy that has worked for us. I teach my now 5th grader and 3rd grader the same subjects at the same time. So what my 5th grader learns is what my third grader learns, but it's a review for my fifth grader.  My third grader learns what my fifth grader learns so she becomes advanced. So far it has worked because both children are prospering from it. My third grader still learns her grade level work, but she will listen and try to do the problems given. While they do their independent work, my toddler is either watching a video or attempting to hold a crayon and throw it somewhere lol. So this is the way that we flow and it works. Other subjects such as Science, Social Studies, Vocabulary, and English, can be integrated. I try to be creative in the learning process because if not we will all be stressed which in turn will create a negative environment. There has been an increase in homeschooling in the NYC area, which is a great thing. Some may be afraid, or unsure of the process. If you know someone who may want to begin homeschooling please feel free to share this post or ask questions below if you have any. I hope you have a wonderful day, and as usual, have I provoked thought today? ๐ŸŒน

Courtesy of Eliyanah๐ŸŒน

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