Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Homeschooling in the wild? Yes its possible!!!🌹

Hey everyone🌹Homeschooling has brought on alot of growth opportunities. I have had many wins and many losses. This path is not an easy one. Daily I am growing and so is my family. To homeschool means to teach at home, but not just in the home. The world is our classroom. I can plan an entire lesson by going to the laundromat. Yes, it's very possible lol. However, lately, it's been chaos in Babylon so right now the children are learning about paying attention to their surroundings. I'm teaching them how to sniff out a potential threat. How to be quick to run or duck in cases of a serious emergency. Even though I'm with the children every day, I'm still a woman with three small children so I have to be extra careful. This is a lesson not to cause fear, but to bring strength and awareness in any situation. We are also nearing the end of our first quarter and time just flew by. This year is very different in how I'm teaching so it does not become a burnout for everyone. Yes, children can experience burnout in homeschooling if the routine doesn't change. So we are constantly growing and learning how to be present. The mistakes of the past are just that, left in the past and learning from them. Well, I hope this has encouraged someone today and brought clarity that it is possible to homeschool in the wild. I hope I have provoked thought today🌹. Peace❤

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