Tuesday, October 18, 2022


What does it mean to be truly free?

Does it mean walking on the sea?

Does it mean walking in the breeze?

Does it mean walking with no direction?

Not seeing the complexions 

That walk around in life?

Does it mean not choosing to fight?

And to walk in power and might?

Does it mean to be carefree?

Not looking out but looking within?

Seeing that I too have the opportunity to win?

Is it accepting life's struggles and focusing on doing better?

Does it mean leaving the baggage behind to walk light as a feather?

So many questions, with so many answers

Getting rid of the cancers 

That kill, steal and destroy

And walking in the power of freedom

Creating our kingdom๐ŸŒน

Hey everyone I know it's been a while but I'm back now. My schedule has changed so I'm learning to balance my time. I hope you all are well and continuing to be present๐ŸŒน

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