Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A bit of late night motivation

"Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right". Unknown 

I don't have all the answers, and there may be some things I am right about, however my peace is more important than anything. A short word of encouragement for those who may be going to work or for my readers who are on the other side of the world.❤️๐ŸŒท

Monday, February 27, 2023

When you are immobile

Sometimes in life we take for granted the gift of mobility that we have. When we go through seasons of immobility, we are grateful for those around us who will be able to help us. Whether that be a spouse, children, or friends to share a word of hope. Sometimes in life, we experience unexpectant pains that will literary knock the wind out you. But after you are healed, we learn to have a greater appreciation of the support that we do have. So today take a moment to appreciate that you have all your limbs working. To any reader who may not, I can say while dealing with it I understand the pain. You are not invisible. Thank you for your perseverance and for showing us to push through even though it maybe hard or seem impossible. I appreciate you❤️

Friday, February 24, 2023

Show some empathy

Empathy- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Alot of times we as a people forget to show empathy for our fellow man. Many things have divided us and continue to divide us. We have so many disagreements, that in my humble opinion have destroyed us and I don't see us coming back from it. However, even though my eyes are dim right now as to what's ahead of us, I still hold on to hope. Even though my hope sometimes fades, it never goes away. I think if we just try to have empathy for one another then maybe we can take a tiny step forward. I have hope in this not only for me but my children. I don't want them to grow up in a colder world than what we have here. If I can make a change in someone's life through my writing and making an effort to do different, then to me that's progress. First starting with my household and then making an effort to restore broken relationships. Even though it may be hard to do it's a step forward and not backward. So today try to show empathy to someone in need. Try to listen attentively and do not be so quick to speak. Myself included. Sometimes people just need someone to hear them❤️ Yesterday I saw you and today I hear you. ❤️๐ŸŒท

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Isolation in motherhood

I've been very quiet lately. Life has taken over and I have a lot on my plate. Being a stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mother takes alot of strength and courage. It has many up and down days, and also many lonely days. I have realized that this role is not for the faint-hearted, and at times I have fallen into this category of being faint. Most people don't understand the whys behind this lifestyle but are quick to judge you very harshly. Not every day is sunshine and roses. There are days when I just want to think of nothing, but that is impossible when there are responsibilities that need to be taken care of. So at times, I get really quiet and just stop. Without support and I mean real support from other wives and mothers it can be really hard. So, I humbly ask the next time you see a mother who may look exhausted, and want to reach out to you, maybe try to listen and have empathy for her. Alot of people only see the outside of motherhood but don't see what's going on the inside because no one cares how you are doing. Hug that sister and tell her everything will be okay in time. Just know wife and mom I see you, I understand you, and I hope that you see me too❤️๐ŸŒท

Monday, February 6, 2023

Flee the echo chamber

There have been alot of conversations lately that have been pretty...repetitive. As I browse through them, I wonder are these individuals helping or hurting. Are they causing strife or safety? As grown people who review it and get nauseated by it, I think about the influence that it may have on the younger generation coming up after ours. If we don't start thinking about the type of conversations that are being had, we are going to be the same generation that they blame for not teaching them properly, as we have blamed the generation before us for not teaching properly. There needs to be a balance in conversations so our younger people can grow. Real things are changing in the world today, and I'm scared that many people are not prepared for the changes that are coming. Folks, if you are able, remove yourself from the echo chambers so you can see what's happening because when things change many will be caught off guard. Just sharing my perspective. Have a great day folks and don't let AI rule over you❤️๐Ÿฆ‹

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Yes i quietly quit

Yup, you read that right. I quit, however, I learned something during the process. Whether I quit or stay consistence life will continue to go on. Whether I'm here or not business will be as usual. This was a reality check for me. The world doesn't care whether I quit or not. So I have to make a choice. The choice I'm making is to continue to go on. Im choosing to make an impact on this world. So when the time comes and I'm no longer here then my words, my love, and my presence could be a gift to the world. I'm matching forward....๐Ÿฆ‹

Oh yeah, its black history month. With the recent things that has happening in the community lately, seems like history hasn't changed much.๐Ÿค✌️