Friday, February 24, 2023

Show some empathy

Empathy- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Alot of times we as a people forget to show empathy for our fellow man. Many things have divided us and continue to divide us. We have so many disagreements, that in my humble opinion have destroyed us and I don't see us coming back from it. However, even though my eyes are dim right now as to what's ahead of us, I still hold on to hope. Even though my hope sometimes fades, it never goes away. I think if we just try to have empathy for one another then maybe we can take a tiny step forward. I have hope in this not only for me but my children. I don't want them to grow up in a colder world than what we have here. If I can make a change in someone's life through my writing and making an effort to do different, then to me that's progress. First starting with my household and then making an effort to restore broken relationships. Even though it may be hard to do it's a step forward and not backward. So today try to show empathy to someone in need. Try to listen attentively and do not be so quick to speak. Myself included. Sometimes people just need someone to hear them❤️ Yesterday I saw you and today I hear you. ❤️๐ŸŒท

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