Monday, March 20, 2023

Hope in the Hallelujah

I woke up in a dream like state

Wondering why all the hate

Screaming to the Heavens asking why

Not sure if I should even try

The light before me was so bright

I just wanted to say goodnight

The Voice said my child what have you been through

I finally responded right on cue

Most High, where have you been in my life?

As I walked daily with little might

I cry out to you from my soul

But my tears only fall into a bowl

I do bad things and you hate me for it

I never really mean to be disobedient

You judge me daily for my mistakes

And now Most High, I feel its too late

The Voice says, my dear one I do not hate you so

Its the pride in you I want you to let go

Thrown into a sea of forgetfulness, just like your mistakes

Dear one its never to late

I'm here to comfort you for all your days

I am here for you to adjust your way

My child, come here and cry unto me

And I will show you wonders daily

I run to The Voice who speaks with grace

And continue to run my race

Knowing the Most High is with me through and through

I feel peace and I hope you do too. ❤️

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