Wednesday, April 5, 2023

My small book of quotes the beginning

"Depression has no facial expressions. It can smile all day and laugh and the eyes that see it will think wow she's so happy..but only if you can see the darkness and isolation hidden in dark brown pupils that became death from stress. If only people  could see that her life is not as simple as it seems...if only...they noticed that the hope she was holding on to has finally dissipated, and maybe the creator will come searching for her since no one else will..."©️

"Life is full of illusions, but in reality, it's a cesspool of hell"©️

"This world has become a freezer, it was only a matter of time before I join them"©️

"When you look in the mirror, I hope you see, that once the water evaporates that same water will never return" ©️

~Aniyah InYah©️


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