Friday, April 28, 2023

To Publish in Power or Not?

Haylo everyone. So I have an opportunity to publish the second book that I am currently working on. The first book I didn't publish, I gave it away freely. So now I am wondering if I should go forth with it. It's scary to jump into something new like self-publishing. I don't want to step out if it's not worthy. I guess we all have our doubts, and this is one of mine in this season. With so much writers out here, and now with the internet, alot of people don't take time to read poetry. So at times I wonder if I am helping anyone. So this is a tough decision for me. But, I am thinking that if this is for me, it will be and everything will work out how it's supposed too. Well thank you all for listening to me. ❤️๐Ÿ™

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