Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Homeschooling in the natural

Today, I want to discuss the beauty of natural hair. I’ve heard stories of little girls and boys being taunted in school by teachers, or even having their hair cut because it stood out too much. This can bring insecurity to the mind of a child. As a homeschooling mama, it's my responsibility to teach my children that their hair is beautiful. It resembles nature as seen in the picture above. When our hair is in its natural state it can withstand all types of weather. I teach my children they are beautiful the way the Most High made them. I show them images of little girls and boys that look like them. There are not a lot of positive images of black boys. So I use the resources that are available to me and also he can see the greatness of his father. The image that my husband shows to his son is of great importance. He sees a man working hard for his family. He shows him how to handle conflict and teaches him the right way, even as a toddler. We as their parents are responsible for shaping their minds despite what the world may put forth. In homeschooling, they can embrace their beauty. It’s no comparison of looks, no need to compete in styles of dress. They are very comfortable. Even if you can’t physically homeschool, you can still teach your children that they are beautiful. Remember, we are responsible for the shaping of our children's minds. If you haven’t today tell your children how beautiful they are and let them know that their hair resembles the beauty of creation. Well, I hope you all have a great day, and please feel free to share with someone who may deal with insecurity. Maybe this can help them in some small way. ๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŒน


Anonymous said...

That picture was powerful and really captured the essence of your message. Beautiful!! ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

InYah said...

Thank you so much๐ŸŒนI want to provoke thought regarding natural hair and nature. Our very essence resembles the beauty of nature and all of its glory. Thank your your continued support๐ŸŒน