Tornados bring alot of things my way. It brings chaos but it can also bring peace. Sometimes I can see the tornado coming other times I cannot. But as I grow i'm getting more equipped to know the signs of incoming storms. At times I miss it even though the signs are there. But missed opportunities are not that of defeat, but an opportunity to grow. Some of the old ways have to be dealt with to grow. I realized that the growing process is very difficult and will bring thoughts of confusion and suffering. But daily I'm being refined. I have a choice to either trust the process or die in the process. I'm deciding to trust the process and grow from it rather than letting it defeat me. I'm not fully there yet but I'm willing to walk the path to get there. I have to be careful of the waters on the path because I have allowed the waters to drown me before, but now that I have the opportunity of grace im going to allow the water to help me grow. Not walking in fear, but walking in faith into the unknown. No longer having the mind of a victim but the mind of a victor. It's not easy to get here and I still have alot of work to do but i'm willing to do it not only for myself but for my children. They deserve to see the victor in me even on the days I feel like a victim in society. Take the journey, do the work and become a victor in the mind first to make it to the mountaintop. Peace everyone and I hope you have a wonderful Saturday🌹Last question, have I provoked thought today?🌹
Welcome Ladies. This blog is for women conversations, homeschooling tips, poetry, and encouraging words to get us through life peacefully. Have a cup of tea and enjoy 🕊️💐
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Week 1 in homeschooling
Hey everyone. So this past week I began homeschooling again. We did reviews of math, science, writing, and music and we accomplished alot. Learning about music, including dancing, one of my daughters hurt her foot but she's getting better now. I plan for emergencies so when the unknown happens I'm prepared. My one-year-old started toddler school. It's been a challenge but we got through it. He's learning to hold crayons and mostly rips the construction paper lol. But he's learning and I could appreciate it. This is a shorter post just to give an update on our first week of school. How was your first week if you returned? 🌹Talk soon. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below.
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Footprints in the sand
One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."
He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and tests.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you.
Feeling this right now and want to just run. But im out of breath and don't have the strength to run anymore.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Direction in lifeschooling
Listening to the wind for direction. Not knowing how to flow to the next phase of life. Every side is troubling. Sometimes life is a box, and once I realize there is more outside of the box, I want to see it. There is so much to experience outside. Listening is the hardest thing to do when there is noise everywhere. Sometimes my own heart is louder than my voice. Writing for me is my space to be free. My space to show me, and be a help to those in need. As my vacation comes to a close, I embrace everything that I went through, every tear, every conversation, and every struggle have shaped me into the woman that I am now. I see things a little differently but I'm also more mature. Letting go of the things that I can't control and walking and growing in confidence. Making a choice daily, every hour, and every second to live and love on purpose. This is all a part of life schooling. Learning to renew my mind, even when it's hard. The race is not for the swift, but for those who endure until the end. This is something I know I must meditate on. I hope you do as well🌹 Peace.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Untitled dreams
One day, a young woman had a dream. She was in her glorified body. Her mind was clear, she was finally free of the anguish that life had given her. The joy she felt was unspeakable. She was standing next to the one who had been her Angel from the time she was called to earth. Before her was a line of people who had harmed her, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. They all had black bags on their head. She asked her Angel, who are these? The Angel replied you shall see. She then said, are they coming with me into the kingdom? The Angel replied that's for you to decide. Confused, she proceeds forward to the line in front of her. She goes before each person one by one and she sees their face and they remember the pain they caused her. She remembers as well. They look at her and beg for mercy. She says it's okay I forgive you. You were sick as was I. As she forgave them, they each got a new garment and entered the kingdom for the role they had to follow according to their lives deeds. Each person she forgave, with tears in her eyes, remembering the pain, the agony, the hurt. The Angel says, why do you forgive so easily? She replies because my people were sick. Through heavy tears she says, they need help. The Angel replies, what mercy you have shown to these people. Now here is the last person in the line. He continues to say, now this person has done the worse harm to you out of all the others. You hated this person. The Angel takes the bag off her head. They look at each other both in horror and confusion. The Angel says to her, do you know this person? The woman replies yes, I do, she's me? But how? I'm here free, so obviously I have forgiven myself. The Angel replies, wrong. She is the one who you suppressed. She is the one you killed because you hated her. She replied, well I'm supposed to kill the old person right? She is the reason why I got into all this mess in the first place. She's one that no one like because of her attitude. She's the one who was always angry and rejected. She has to be destroyed. The woman in front of her trembled with fear. The Angel replied, you forgave all those other people, why is it so hard to forgive her? I finally looked up at the Angel and responded, because she deserved everything that she got. She deserved hatred, not being loved-, suddenly I stop and realize that she is repeating the same things that I am saying, but instead of saying she, she is saying I. The Angel looked at me and said, she is you. The part of you that you thought you buried. You have to forgive yourself and know that you too were sick. I looked at her in shame but managed to see her eyes and tell her, I forgive you. It's not your fault. You weren't that bad of a person. You always made people laugh, their sorrows away. That is something that I lost. You were also a brilliant mind and always wanted to help others. Can we learn to work together for the good of the kingdom? I reply yes we can. I grab her hand and we become one. We become perfect through balance and healing. The Angel replied, the King is pleased now let us continue to do the work we are called to do, which is the healing of the nations....🌹And then, I woke up...
Monday, July 18, 2022
Healing while homeschooling
Hey everyone, I hope you all had a nice weekend. Today I want to discuss the healing process while homeschooling. You may say, well shouldn't healing occur before teaching? I would say yes and no. Yes because you have to be healed to a degree, and no because healing is a lifetime journey and we should be growing daily and not being stagnant. When I say healing, I mean being set free from old ways, from old mindsets, teachings, and beliefs. While homeschooling, I'm on full display. When I see the children act in a manner that's not good for them, alot of times I blame myself because maybe it's something that I have not healed from completely. Healing takes acknowledgment and work. I have to see my shortcomings, which are many, and be healed from them. I think a lot of teachers deal with struggles on this journey because tears will be shed. It's possible to become a better version of yourself ( myself) when we are in complete balance. Sometimes life throws us off balance and we may be there for a season, but it's up to us to decide how long the season will last. If you are on a healing path, it's imperative to have the right support because without it you will crumble. However, crumbling can be a good thing as long as the foundation is intact ( shout out to Kawaii Bri for this🌹). Well as you continue on this journey, remember to take your time and walk slowly daily. I hope I have provoked thought and happy healing🌹
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
This weeks tip? The Ihip!
Hey everyone, I hope this day finds you well and that your homeschooling plans are coming together. Today I'm going to discuss how to fill out the IHIP (Individualized home instruction plan). Depending on the state that you live in, you have to send paperwork showing what type of curriculum you are going to use. I'm showing you all how I do my IHIP, and how I keep it simple. The curriculum doesn't have to be expensive, it could even be free. You just have to get creative. In one of my previous posts, I showed an online curriculum that is acceptable in NY. I'll post the link at the bottom of this post. So here is a basic outline that you can use if you don't have access to the HSLDA form.
Name of Student:
Grade of Student:
The Quarter report dates: ( this is not required for every state, it is required in NY. You have the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter. Try to make sure the days are divided up equally if you can)
Curriculum choice: ( this includes any boxed curriculum that you choose to use, math books, social studies, English books, etc according to your state)
In NY it's very detailed and I have to make sure my i's are dotted and my t's are crossed. If you live in any hard state I HIGHLY recommend signing up if you are able. Please be updated with the laws in your state twice a year. Check your local state and government officials for requirements in your state. This is just a simple outline that can be used to send to the homeschool department. I hope this helps in some way. How are your plans coming along? I hope you all have a great day. 🌹
Curriculum choices
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
A Nuclear Blast? How to prep as a homeschooler.
Psalms 91:1-2,5-6
[1]He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
[2]I will say of the Yahuah, He is my refuge and my fortress: my Eloah; in him will I trust.
[5]Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
[6]Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
Sooooo...yesterday an article and video came out in the AMNY on how to survive a nuclear blast. Well, I looked into it and it leaves a lot of unanswered questions. It's very vague but not down to detail. Some of the unanswered questions are:
1) What do I do if I'm underground?
2) Will the schools go into lockdown?
3) Will NYC go into lockdown?
4) Do I stay in my home or go to a shelter?
And many more. As a homeschool parent, these are things I have to take into consideration because it's not only me but my children as well. So I have to be prepared for any imminent threat. I have prepared by training the children to walk. In case of emergency and we are unable to use the bus, we are going to have to walk home. So we walk far distances so their legs can be strong. I have a toddler now so his legs are still tiny, I don't go far away from home though anymore. I also trained them to walk up lots of stairs. You will not be able to use the elevator so we got up and down some stairs. I've also trained myself to do it. It's been a while, but now I think it's time to do it again. If you have to leave, have a go-bag ready by the door with your important information in it in case you have to run and grab it. This should have water, nuts, can goods, sanitizer, etc. The most important thing is to not panic. I have to be calm so the children can be calm in situations. We always have to be on alert in case of an emergency. The most important of all is to learn about your city on foot without a map. There were times in life when I had to learn directions quickly, (thanks for the tip mommy) and I've kept that with me ever since. Look at street signs, stores, and how to get from point A to point B on foot. I'm proud to say that I can walk to New Jersey on foot in case of an emergency. I hope it never gets to that point though. It'll take me a few days because I walk slow lol but ill get there lol. I'm writing this to say that now is the time to prepare for a threat and as a homeschooler, I know that my children are here safe with me. You can also prepare your children who are in public school. Have them know all the exits, keep a go-bag in their locker, and have a meet-up location. These are just a few things you can do. I will leave the article below and you can check it out. Please feel free to share your plans and preparation. And as always I hope I have provoked thought today🌹
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Addressing the illusion
When I look at her, I see a foggy haze. So full of potential but carrying a heavy weight. So I start asking questions to try to help her. Are you pregnant? Why do you look so downtrodden? No response. Well, how do we have a conversation if you refuse to speak to me? Still no response, just a blank stare. What is wrong with you woman? Your hair is all tangled up, your eyes bloodshot and only you know the reason why. You walk around like you don't care, all happy and whatnot. But I could see you. The real you. The part that you don't want anyone else to see. So tell me, what's your problem? She still looks at me with, a blank stare no response. Are you deaf? Can you not hear me speaking? I'm talking very loud so you must hear me. At this point, I'm getting irritated because I'm trying to help her but she refuses to talk about it. Why are you muted? I look at her and she still says nothing. At this moment, I'm full of rage, thinking I can't help her unless she talks to me. I say to her, how do you expect to heal if you don't open up? Still no response. So in my anger, I hit her. After I hit her, I realized I had cut my hand. I say in my mind, serves her right for not opening up when I'm trying to help. Fresh blood trickled in the bathroom sink. I look up and wake up from my illusion, and realize I had hit the be continued🌹
something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality...
P.S. I do not own rights to this photo.
The thoughts of me
I am she, and she is me.
Glued together through infinity
When she cries, I cry
When I cry she cries
Holding hands together screaming why?
I am he, and he is me
Moving through the matrix freely
Walking in unity hand in hand
Fighting to survive together in this land
I am they, and they are me
Holding on through this insanity
Raging wars that are amiss
Will we ever finish this?
I am love and love is me
Carrying life that has come to be
Struggling to bring forth generations of peace
Will this war within ever cease?
I am water, and water is me
Speaking life so that I can see
Clearly through the days that are long
But I know in the end I must remain strong
I am you, and you are me
Walking in love as we should be
Flying high through the fluffy clouds
As we sing forth praises and finally cry out loud......
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Order my steps in Lifeschooling
Letter of intent on the weekend?
Hey everyone. Today I want to talk about weekend planning for the new upcoming year. Sometimes during the week, it can become very busy and hectic, especially with toddlers. You may not find the time to prepare your paperwork, so I find that the weekends are better because lots of us have more time available. So in today's post, I'm going to share how I do my letter of intent in the hardest state in the country (NY). Usually, I use the form for hslda, but for those who are not able to access the outline, you can simply begin by using a word doc or acrobat. Below I will share my outline. Now depending on your state, there may be different requirements where you don't have to send the notice. But in NY I have to send one notice for the children. Please check Hslda for further instructions for your specific state.
Letter of Intent for Homeschooling
Name of Student: (You can place multiple children on one form, just make sure you have the correct age and grade for each child)
Signature: ( In NY I can send this information by email now, which makes it so much easier)
That's it! Now if you have a child already in the public school system there is a step that you have to take in the withdrawal process. (Please see Hslda withdrawal form) Also, check with Hslda because in NY it also goes by the district. Upstate NY is completely different from NYC. So this weekend take the time out to focus and plan. You will benefit from this later on. Below I will put the website for HSLDA with the instructions to fully guide you. I hope this helps. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 🌹🌹
P.S. I'm putting the information for NY because this is the state where I live. Each state has its OWN rules and regulations so please check with your state🌹
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
The rose that grew from homeschooling
Homeschooling is a difficult, life-changing experience. Everyone involved in your homeschooling will go through the experience of growth. It's possible to face growing pains as a teacher. The more I grow in my studies, the more painful it becomes. I'm a firm believer in support of this journey. Without the proper support, the growth process can be stunted. I have faced many changes so far and I know more is to come. Homeschooling is a teaching experience not only for the students but the parents as well. As a teacher, I experience all kinds of emotions. At times, we home-school teachers don't receive as much respect or support because alot of people think we are weird. I want to take control of their education. In the process though, im learning more about who I am, and what I want to become. Im learning how to balance the things that are out of order. Im learning about self-love and being able to express my creativity. I'll be honest, the road has not been easy. I've had setbacks, doubts, curriculum changes and so much more. But by the grace of the Most High, my children are smart, creative, and happy despite my shortcomings. I have a long way to go but I'm getting there. The more I grow, the more the children will shine and grow too. When I felt I couldn't homeschool, it was my husband who said I could do it. When I doubted my education status, it was my husband who said that Yah will give me the wisdom to continue. This is why your tribe is important. I will forever be on this journey, and through the itchy ( uncomfortable) parts, something will grow from this where everyone around me will be blessed. Take a moment to think of your journey in life. Our journeys are different, but we have a common goal, which is growth. I hope you all have a great day, and I hope I have provoked thought today. 🌹
Long live the rose that grew from homeschooling.....
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Welcome to the New Homeschooling Year
Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing well today. Today marks a new homeschooling year. We made it! Now it's the time to be creative and try different things. Breathe life into your children's gift this year. Breathe life into your gifts this year. So many things can change in a year. This year will be different for me because I will be sharing with you all how I do homeschooling here. Im going to be more creative this year as well as prepping for the state test. I will share study guides, books we are reading, and tons of other things. Sometime this week I will show you how to begin the process by filling out the letter of intent( depending on what state you are in of course). For those of you who are unable to homeschool, you can still use these resources to add to your child's education. Homeschooling is a journey for your entire family because you are allowed to grow and learn patience through trials. Right now if you haven't decided to homeschool, use this time to write down the goals that you want for your children. What do you want them to learn? What do you want them to grow in subject-wise or in creativity? Take the time to sit and pray for direction. Yahuah will grant you direction when you bring your desires to Him. If you have any questions about homeschooling, or if you feel scared or discouraged, please feel free to leave a comment and I will be willing to offer suggestions to guide you on your journey. Well, I hope I have provoked thought today. 🌹