Monday, September 5, 2022

Writers Block

Me having a conversation alone.

I don't know what to write about today. Why girl, you have great writing material. Well, I don't know, my mind comes up blank when I go through things. But sis, these are the times for you to thrive, during the dry seasons. But I don't want to try, I mean,  not sure it's good enough. Maybe im wasting my time? Maybe im casting my pearls before swine. You see I love to talk, but sometimes people don't want to talk back. I never understood why we have the gift of speech but don't like to communicate. I think talking is a beautiful expression of love and deep thought. Technology has taken that away though. You know I think im making an impact, but im not sure. Girl, what do you dream about? I dream about lots of things. I dream of flying freely amongst the stars, seeing the world from an uncompromising view. Seeing it clearly from an untainted view. But for now, I can only just imagine and try to come up with something to remove this block. 


Anonymous said...

Yessssss!! I love this ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ‘‘

InYah said...

Thank you, I appreciate you๐ŸŒน

Anonymous said...

Well see, that looks like some good stuff there!

InYah said...

Well thank you friend lol๐ŸŒนIm glad that I was still able to produce pieces even with it๐Ÿค— I appreciate you.