Wednesday, October 5, 2022

How to heal through a loss (October awareness month)



Even those that never fully blossom bring beauty into the world" ๐ŸŒน

When I lost Kidney, I went through a cycle of unbelief and doubt. I thought maybe there were two babies and one passed. Or, maybe that it was just a cyst. I believed that there was still something there. Two weeks later, however, I took a pregnancy test and I only saw one line I realized that it was final. I sat in disbelief with a million and one questions in my mind. It took me a long time to heal from that pain. I questioned Yah angrily. I blamed everyone, including myself. I allowed myself to feel that pain though. I didn't just brush it off and ignore it because it was very well present. I wrote about kidney. I kept the small memory alive. I wrote prayers. I couldn't find the right words to speak outwardly so writing helped me ease through. My husband supported me through it. He dealt with it a lot better than I had. We went through a lot during that process of healing though. But now, I can say that because of that experience I could relate to other women who deal with it silently. It helped me realize that I am not in control. The one who forms the child in the womb is in control of life. I still don't understand it and I still wonder why at times but only Yah knows the answer to that. So I rest in that now. I grew from this situation and this has helped me in many ways. Anyway, to parents who suffered a loss know that your healing will come and you will be granted peace๐ŸŒน

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