Hey Ladies. Today, I wanted to discuss the reason why I started my blog. I wanted to encourage the mama who wants to homeschool but is afraid to because of finances, judgments or does not have the support. As stated in an earlier post, I enjoy writing because it's very therapeutic. So I thought why not combine my love for writing with teaching to help and encourage someone else. Over the years I have learned a lot, and also made lots of mistakes but this is what life is about. Proverbs 24:16a says For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again. With homeschooling, I'm able to see what works and what doesn't. There has been a rise in homeschooling and there maybe someone out there who needs help. They may feel they are not smart enough. I had those thoughts as well. One thing I've learned not to do is compare myself to other homeschoolers. When you do, you will become insecure. Your routine will be different from mine and that's okay. Homeschooling is a life journey and it should be enjoyed. If you feel that you don't have enough money, you can do things to save money for the household( more on that later). With that being said, a lot of things I learned on my journey was hard at times. So this blog is to help you so you can avoid the mistakes in education that I have done. Also at times while homeschooling, tough conversations will come up. Maybe you've had one of those moments and don't know how to talk about the tough topics. This one is short today but I look forward to having conversations. Please feel free to leave any questions that you may have, and thank you all for your support๐น
Welcome Ladies. This blog is for women conversations, homeschooling tips, poetry, and encouraging words to get us through life peacefully. Have a cup of tea and enjoy ๐️๐
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Friday, May 27, 2022
How to begin homeschooling Part 2
Peace everyone. Today's post has more to do with curriculum choices and homeschooling on a budget. So as many of you know my husband is the only provider and it's been this way for about 10 years. Has it been easy? No, it has not, but this is one of the sacrifices that my husband has made so his children could be safe at home. It took me time, and patience to adjust because it was not easy for me at first. But I know that our children will benefit from the sacrifice made. So living on one income, I was still able to have what I needed for homeschool and even things that we may want because the Father(Yah) has always provided for us. We know that what we are doing is pleasing to the Father because we are raising our children differently than how society tells us to. So as far as curriculum here are a few links that I will share. These are free pdf files for the math and reading curriculum.
1) Rays Arithmetic( this is an excellent math curriculum for grades 1-12 all free!!)
2) This site has a ton of books for all subjects and college-level books too.
3) For book resources/reports or any book:
4) Preschool prep co
5) Ubongo kids English: Great lessons for character building
6) My baby can read is great also.
7) Critical thinking (For Logic) this website sends free pdfs to your email.
These are just a few to start. I'm in of building my curriculum. You can choose what direction your homeschooling will go. Well, I hope this can help you on your journey. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Peace and enjoy your weekend ๐น
Thursday, May 26, 2022
How to begin homeschooling
Hey Sisters, so you may be wondering where do I begin homeschooling? Is it legal? What about curriculum? But how do I pull my child out of public school? These are all valid questions and I hope I can answer them for you. I started teaching when my oldest daughter was one year old. Some may say that's too young, but children are sponges at that age and they catch on easily. I started with a crayon and a piece of paper. She would draw and watch preschool prep company. I would read to her and teach her the alphabet. Then I introduced writing with a pencil and had her trace lines. During this time though I did a lot of research on curriculum. But when she got of school age I signed up with HSLDA. These are home school assistance lawyers. They help if you have concerns with homeschooling in your state. I highly recommend them because they fight on your behalf should a situation come up. The first curriculum I chose for her was Abeka. The pros of abeka are that it is a boxed curriculum and all subjects are there. It came with English books and literature. There is also a teacher's manual and tests are included. The cons are the price and the imagery. It was very expensive and I didn't see much of "us" in there. Imagery is very important to me because it will shape the mind of the child whether good or bad. So over the years, I learned you can homeschool for free or for a very low price. You can use free downloads for math curriculum, and use real-life books for reading comprehension. With a little research, it can be accomplished. Homeschooling is legal in every state. Some states are harder than others like my state NYC (the belly of the beast lol). The state regulations here are over the top, but if you can homeschool in Babylon (I mean NYC๐), you can homeschool anywhere ๐. Just follow the rules and mind your business and they won't bother you. Tomorrow I will go into more detail on how to start homeschooling. I hope I was able to start the conversation and provoke thought today. Blessings ๐น
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The importance of a name
Today, I want to share the importance of choosing a name for your homeschool. I will also go into detail how my name In- Yah became to be. Most people in my life know me as Monique, which means advisor. Growing up though I was called another name (Tiffany, which means the manifestation of God)by family members and friends outside of school. I was called that name by accident, due to a mistake on my birth certificate. That was the name that was given by my parents, however Yah had a chosen name for me. I share this to say that the names we call ourselves will shape how we will walk in this world. The name InYah came about because I saw it as the original name of someone who arrived in the Americas on slave ships. InYah means to be In Yah(Yahuah). That's where I want to be in my life not only for myself but for my children. With homeschooling I made sure that I chose a right name for it, so they can understand how important our words are. My homeschool name is based on this verse 1Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood, and holy nation, a peculiar people that us should forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. I believe that our generation is called to do differently and step outside the box. With homeschooling I am able to shape the minds of our children so they can grow up to be modest young men and women. I can see where my children fall short and teach them the right way. I’m able to tell them about their history, the great things that our people have done as well as the downfalls. Should you ever decide to homeschool, let the name of it have meaning so that it can reflect in your child. In a way I guess I was called to do this because of my name. I kicked against it because of course insecurities creep in and remind me of my flaws. But knowing that I can teach my children the correct way to go keeps me going. Lastly in the scriptures you see Jacob’s name (which means supplanted) had to be changed to Israel (which means Yah Prevails) Before his name changed, he did something’s that lived up to his name (tricking Esau out of the birth right). This is why our names, and the names of our homeschools are so important. I hope I have provoked some though today and I hope its impactful in every area of your life. Peace❤
P.S. What is your name? Do you know the meaning of your name? Please feel free to leave a comment below(if you feel comfortable ๐)
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Beautiful Homeschooling
Disclaimer: This post may be triggering for some who battle with insecurity. ๐น๐น
Monday, May 23, 2022
Homeschooling through tough times
Good day Ladies, I hope you had an incredible weekend. Today, I decided to share this with someone who may or may not homeschool. How does one continue to teach when times are hard? How does one focus, when there is so much chaos in the household, job, and the world? Here’s the solution to that problem: DON’T. Many say well you have to push through it. Well, I’m here to tell you that is not the best thing to do. Your children will be the ones suffering because they don’t have your best. This is why planning and setting time aside for emergencies is so important. Homeschooling is very flexible with life’s problems. With the world being your classroom, and having access to the internet so much can be accomplished. It’s okay to take a day off to regroup and think. If the children are not feeling the atmosphere it's okay to change it. Sometimes you can go to the park, or even out in your yard just for a quick change in scenery. We mothers have the power to change the atmosphere, however, there are days when you just don’t have it in you. Take that personal day off. There are many resources you can use so the children are still learning. One of the major online groups I used to use was Khan academy ( I no longer use it though). Khan Academy has great resources for every subject that can be used as a substitute. The second one I utilize is book reports. My two older ones can read and write a report on what they learned from it. This is a great way to cover many subjects as well. You can cover writing, vocabulary, spelling, reading comprehension, and math all in one sitting. How can I use math from a book report you ask? Great question. Well, you can start by using time. How much time was utilized from the time you started until the time you finished? Or you can use estimation. Looking at your report, how many lines do you think you used? It’s all about being creative. So even though times may be rocky, you can find ways to not homeschool, while homeschooling if that makes sense. I have a toddler, so I had many tough times because I was learning to adjust. It took me a while to find my groove but I got it. It’s okay to take multiple bathroom breaks if you need 5 minutes to regroup. Just know when you come out you will have children's faces right outside the door waiting for you lol. To the mama who is homeschooling but is going through it, it's okay to take a break. You have to get yourself together so you can be the best version of yourself. MANY times I had to cry on my knees for strength and help and the Father comes through for me (Isaiah 41:10). So in conclusion, I want to say don’t over-push yourself because that’s how homeschool burnout happens which we DO NOT WANT. Take that walk outside, or go to the park, or better yet you can always learn something new in your neighborhoods. To my mamas who are not homeschooling but are still teaching, it's okay to take a break. It’s okay to change the surrounding. Let’s grow together on this journey because life is a journey. Peace❤
*Row, Row Row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream* ๐
Friday, May 20, 2022
Homeschooling on Fridays
Promising day ladies. Today I wanted to talk about the end of the school week and being creative. Growing up, Friday was my favorite day of the week (I think it's most people's favorite day). In our classroom, I try to use Fridays to get creative. At the beginning of May, I started taking a class that teaches us about herbs and how to make salt baths, sugar scrubs, and many other things. We learned about the importance of plants and how special they can be in our everyday life. This class is being taught by my Sister. Here is the link: (https://linktr.ee/CROWNFittedEssntls) She has a wealth of knowledge and a creative hand. I believe that we women have a special hand in creativity and how we utilize it is very important. I remember when I was a child when birthdays came around, we cousins didn’t have money for gifts, so what we did was create something called fun packs. Let me tell you, fun packs were the thing back then lol. We filled it with games, paper doll people, whatever we could fill it with and we would send it to each other faithfully. It truly would make someone happy to have that fun pack because it was made from love. We took our time doing it so that person could enjoy it :). In homeschooling, you are free to use that creative hand that’s in you to bring forth beauty and life. I set aside that creativity for a while because life takes over and sometimes it's put on hold. But now it's time to bring it back and sharpen our creative skills full circle. We are a special people and can heal many with our gifts and talents. Homeschooling has allowed me to see each child's gifts. Lady C loves to draw pictures and she has a serious eye for puzzles and logic games such as wooduku. Lady H likes to draw but I noticed she watches me more in the kitchen, she loves to sing and seriously looks after her little brother Prince H. Now that I’m beginning to teach Prince H, I noticed he just scribbles everywhere, including the floor lol. He’s being creative in his way. I have the opportunity to allow the children to express their creativity in a balanced matter. I know this post is all over the place, but in a way, it comes together when you think about it. With homeschooling, the world is your classroom. When we take the bus, they are learning about direction and location. When we go shopping, they are learning math, how to save, and the difference between a need and a want. I can cover three subjects by using the world resources in my classroom. Being creative is such a beautiful investment. You never know who may be blessed by your creativity. You can reach many people because we each have that gift in us. So today let's think about how we can use our creative hand to bless ourselves and also bless others. I hope you all have a blessed weekend and I hope I have provoked thought in someone to do something different. Below are some of the things I have created over the years, and I'm working on a few things now.
P.S. I post Monday thru Friday at 9:30 a.m. EST. Occasionally I may post on Sunday since Summer is soon coming ๐.
Lady C and Lady H skirts DIY
A Diy poncho: Each girl have one
A quilt for the girls Diy
vegan enchiladas w/cashew cheese
Vegan ranch sauce
This turned out to be a basket lol
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Birth from pain (Therapeutic Thursday)
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Weight Loss Wednesday :)
This is the beginning of my weight loss journey. This was tough, and to be quite honest this will be a lifestyle journey. If I could do it, so can you sister.๐. Here’s my story. Disclaimer: This speaks about fibroids passing and infertility. Feel free to proceed at your own risk. This is not medical advice, I'm sharing what worked for me.
Good morning. About two years ago, I started my weight loss journey with my husband when he purchased the book “Prevent and Reverse ALL Disease 100% Naturally.” Fighting for my health has been a long and stressful journey. FOOD ADDICTION IS REAL, and it is something that I have battled with and will continue to for the rest of my life.
When I started my health journey around the end of Dec 2018, I weighed 253 pounds, although I believe I was more than that. To provide some background history, I had many health issues, including fibroids, various colds, infertility, etc. I never went to the doctor to get diagnosed with fibroids, but I knew that I had them because I passed them out due to a change in my diet. (Beet kvass). Then I started the G-BOMBS after watching a video from Brother Nathaniel Jordan. While watching the video series on The POWER of the G-BOMBS, I would get angry, and my food addiction would start speaking to justify that the foods I loved to eat are not that bad. When I first started making the recipes in the book, I was not too fond of the taste, especially mushrooms.
If it were not for my husband staying with me, I would have given up. But I kept eating healthfully and watching the videos, and now, as of today, I am 164 pounds! This is truly a lifestyle change, and by YAH’s mercy and grace, I will never go back to being obese and sick! ALSO, MY INFERTILITY WAS CURED, AND WE HAD A BABY 6 MONTHS AGO!!! (Btw, this baby is about to be two in August) Thank you for everything you put forth because it can change someone’s life if they allow it to.
The G-BOMBS is a disciplined way of eating, but it has excellent benefits. All praise to YAH because I believe YAH is preparing His people to be healthy these last days. Our people suffer so much from illness due to food addiction. We as a people need to hear a sharp rebuke. Brother Nathaniel gives this rebuke sharply. Yes, it hurts, but it is beneficial.
Above all, I thank our Heavenly Father for His Help in this journey, as it has taken much fasting and a lot of prayers.
May the Most-High bless you and your family.
This is an old post and I am still on my journey and reached 157 pounds. Again this is a journey and the weight goes up and down but never back to where I started.
Here is the original post: https://theministerofwellness.com/testimonial/sister-mo-lost-89-pounds-and-cured-infertility/
****I do not participate in this ministry or follow any doctrine that he may teach on his website. He’s a brother who promotes weight loss and it has helped me :)****
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Why I like being homeschooled (From a child’s perspective)
Thank you all for the support today. I decided to do Two Posts on Tuesdays. I hope you all enjoy.
❤ Why I like being homeschooled (From Little Lady 2 Age 7 Grade 2)
“I like being homeschooled because I am with my mom. She teaches me and I am with her all day long. My mother loves me and I love her too. My mother teaches me new things and things that I don’t know. She is very beneficial to me and she teaches me the right things. She is the best teacher ever.”
Why I love homeschooling (From Little Lady 1 Age 9 Grade 4)
“I love homeschooling because my mother is teaching me the right things, and I am with her during school time. Homeschooling is very beneficial because I don’t have to worry about bad things happening. I won't have to worry about being mistreated by teachers, being picked on, and being bullied. One of the most important reasons I love homeschooling is because I am taught the right way to go. My mother is a lovely and beneficial teacher. :)”❤
Why Homeschool?
It's 2022 and I am watching the children complete their morning work. I sit here and think back to the years of sacrifice and dedication it took to get us here. Some may say, why homeschool? Isn't it easier to just send them to public school? What about socialization? How will they get into college? These are the various questions that I have heard over the years. I also was concerned about that. What I've come to realize is that children socialize every day when they go to museums, the playground, and other various locations. With homeschooling, you can take control of who your child socializes with, what your child is learning, where they are learning, why your child is learning a said subject, when they are learning it, and lastly how they are learning. The 5 W's of homeschooling ๐. Is homeschooling easy? No, it's not, however with the right support and putting Yah first,(more on that later) then ALL things will work out. There are days when you may want to give up, cry in a corner somewhere or just yell. You can do TWO of the three. Just do not give up because you and your family will benefit from the sacrifice that BOTH Daddy and Mommy made(more on that later). I hope I provoked some thought and know that it is possible to do. With faith, love, compassion, and support. Peace Ladies. Have a great day❤๐น