Thursday, October 20, 2022

Homeschooling through the darkness of sight

Today's homeschool lesson is writing and drawing with their eyes closed. The reason I'm doing this lesson is for the children to understand the perspective of the blind. Now I do understand that the blind do things completely differently. I believe they use braille to read and write. I want them to see what can come out when they can't see. I'm not sure what blind people see if they see darkness or light. This lesson was inspired by Stevie Wonder because he created music without his vision. One of the greatest songs written by him is These Three Words. Society had become blind to love. People are walking around with pure hatred inside, blind to others. Our vision has become clouded and selfish. We became the very people that we didn't want to be, which is darkness. However, something beautiful can be born through the darkness if we allow it. We say that we have the love of Yah or God in us but we sure have a poor of way showing it to each other. If a blind man who has never seen the rising of the sun except maybe in the image of his mind can create a song about the importance of family and love, how much more can we do while we have the opportunity to use our vision? Let's create beauty and love daily and tell someone they are important and they are loved, with caution of course. Who knows that person you speak to you may be talking someone off their blind ledge. Im going to leave with this quote today, may you all be blessed and have a good day, and lastly have I provoked thought today?🌹

"Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way." ~Jenni Young.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Homeschool: where do i fit in?

Growing up in the public school system, I always had problems fitting in. I felt that my true self was never good enough and I had to conform to what people thought I should be. I see some of those same traits in my adult life and it's very annoying. I still don't know where I fit in. Sometimes I think that maybe it's meant for it to be that way. Social media has played a role in conformity. I must say this or that to earn a friend, or I must change myself to be liked. While homeschooling the children, they are free to be themselves. They are who they are and if people don't like it, they move on. For example, if they go to a child wanting to play and for whatever reason, they don't want to play with them, they move on and do something else and continue to enjoy their time out. That to me is a priceless privilege that cannot be taken away from them. I wonder had I been homeschooled would I have had the same mindset? Maybe I would be a different person and not a people pleaser. Changing my ways just to be accepted makes me sick and I hate that I battle with this. However, that's a part of the journey. Teaching my children to love themselves and everything about themselves is going to be my biggest goal in homeschooling. At the same time, I'm learning to accept all of myself. My shortcomings, my failures, my wins, and my losses. This is my story and no matter how confusing it is, I will see it to the finish line. Some may not like me but honestly, I'm at a point where I don't care. I'm going to be better for me and my family. I'm going to endure this journey until the end. If you are on your journey I hope you find peace in your walk and no longer compare yourself to others. Teach your children to accept and love themselves. If there are shortcomings in their lives teach them to deal with it with care. Well I hope I have provoked thought today and remember the race is not for the swift, but for those who endure until the end.🌹

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


What does it mean to be truly free?

Does it mean walking on the sea?

Does it mean walking in the breeze?

Does it mean walking with no direction?

Not seeing the complexions 

That walk around in life?

Does it mean not choosing to fight?

And to walk in power and might?

Does it mean to be carefree?

Not looking out but looking within?

Seeing that I too have the opportunity to win?

Is it accepting life's struggles and focusing on doing better?

Does it mean leaving the baggage behind to walk light as a feather?

So many questions, with so many answers

Getting rid of the cancers 

That kill, steal and destroy

And walking in the power of freedom

Creating our kingdom🌹

Hey everyone I know it's been a while but I'm back now. My schedule has changed so I'm learning to balance my time. I hope you all are well and continuing to be present🌹

Friday, October 7, 2022

A positive response

Good day everyone. Last week, I entered a poetry contest. I didn't get the results yet, however, I wanted to share a comment that someone left on my entry. Even if I don't win, this comment and all of your comments and encouragement pushes me to keep going even on days when I don't want to. Thank you to all the readers you are definitely appreciated🌹.

After having read ALL of the poems submitted in this contest (which I hope everyone has done), my choices were narrowed down to a handful that were really impressive works. The choice was difficult, of course, but I selected this particular poem for a few reasons. First and foremost, I appreciate the authenticity and uniqueness of the poem. The structure seems to be based on a repetitive poetic device known as an anadiplosis—a device seldomly used. The following might represent an example: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, etc.” Each line of the poem also expresses delightful if not curious aphorisms. Finally, I love how the interlocking repetitions loops back on itself as the poem starts with the affirmative statement “Truth is the present” and ends with the equally affirmative statement “The Present is truth”. This poem was cleverly done, and I salute the poet.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

How to heal through a loss (October awareness month)



Even those that never fully blossom bring beauty into the world" 🌹

When I lost Kidney, I went through a cycle of unbelief and doubt. I thought maybe there were two babies and one passed. Or, maybe that it was just a cyst. I believed that there was still something there. Two weeks later, however, I took a pregnancy test and I only saw one line I realized that it was final. I sat in disbelief with a million and one questions in my mind. It took me a long time to heal from that pain. I questioned Yah angrily. I blamed everyone, including myself. I allowed myself to feel that pain though. I didn't just brush it off and ignore it because it was very well present. I wrote about kidney. I kept the small memory alive. I wrote prayers. I couldn't find the right words to speak outwardly so writing helped me ease through. My husband supported me through it. He dealt with it a lot better than I had. We went through a lot during that process of healing though. But now, I can say that because of that experience I could relate to other women who deal with it silently. It helped me realize that I am not in control. The one who forms the child in the womb is in control of life. I still don't understand it and I still wonder why at times but only Yah knows the answer to that. So I rest in that now. I grew from this situation and this has helped me in many ways. Anyway, to parents who suffered a loss know that your healing will come and you will be granted peace🌹

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Pregnancy and infant loss awareness month

Good Day everyone. October is pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. During this month, many mothers think about their losses and how they had to cope with them. I didn't understand the grief before, but as a mother who experienced a loss, I can surely say that I do now. You never forget the experience and for me, it will always stay with me. Our little one left us at 10 weeks on June 14th, 2019. I don't think anyone talks about the waiting process. The thoughts, the questions that are in the mind. Some of my thoughts were why would Yah allow to me get pregnant just to lose it? I wanted that baby, so why wasn't I allowed to have it? Or, what sin did I commit that this happened? I felt that this was a sick joke. Mind you my last pregnancy was with my second daughter in 2014. So it was 5 long years that I was barren. I couldn't understand it. I cried, I was angry with Yah because I thought he hated us and wanted us to suffer. Waiting to lose your baby is complete torture. So when it finally happened we were both numb. We named the baby Kidney because that's what we saw. A little kidney bean. Some believe that just because the child never saw sunlight the grief wouldn't be as bad. But no the grief in my opinion stays with you. I never received an answer on why we lost kidney, but through that last loss, our little prince was born. Do I still grieve that child? Of course, I do. I don't think anyone can forget a pregnancy and birth whether it's at 10 weeks or full term. So to all the parents who experienced a loss, I grieve with you. I do understand that the process can stay forever and that's okay. There is no time limit on grief. You will be okay. I don't know what happens to the soul of the miscarried, for they never experienced life. But who knows maybe one day our paths will cross somehow. 🌹

P.S. Our little one that we have lost. We loved you then and we love you now. We will never forget your short time spent with us. 🌹🌹